198 Bernard Street, Colbyn, Pretoria | Mon-Thurs 10AM-8PM | Fri-Sun 9AM-9PM

Royal Danish
A note from us
Royal Danish, as an outing, is finding sanctuary from life’s hurdles. If walls could talk, these would speak of colourful encounters, moments and memories. The candy stripes aren’t there solely for decoration. Red could be a symbol of the first dates, the celebrations and the marriage proposals. The newly altered green, the children we watch grow up. And the blood-orange for quirks, character building and giggles. The remaining white stripes, the canvas filled in by you, our patrons, our supporters - our family.
Interesting fact: the recipe, the kitchen staff and the hands that make everything available in the parlour have been from the same four ladies since the way-back-when, in Sunnyside’s Esellenn Street. Granny, Johanna and Paulina can be spotted preparing toffee for the signature flavour and best-seller, Copenhagen. Roasting Raw Pecan Nuts in butter to be crushed into our Royal Butter Pecan. Or making the delicious sugar-cones, filling our shop and its surroundings with a sweet crunchy flavour. The owner of 23 years, Karensa, is a rare sighting unless glimpsed on a path to the freezer rooms with freshly churned ice cream.
The retro and vibey atmosphere is one of an open-armed invite, littered with personal touches, pieces of history and a family embedded into the entire shop. A landmark of Pretoria, a place where you’ll definitely see something that’s new, previously overlooked or adjusted. One promise extended by Royal Danish is a consistency of quality in the products and treats available.
So, there’s only one question you need to ask yourself:
Have you had it today?